To everything,
there is a season.
In clerkland, summer is the season of goodbye.
Your colleague clerk leaves for her "real" job.
She can't wait to send out her goodbye email (to who?, every J?, their staffs? -- some of these are people you've never met?!)
She has forwarded you drafts of said email for your review. ("Uh, it's okay, I guess...")
She's been asking you everyday, "So, did I tell you how much they're giving me for a clerkship bonus?"
Yes, you did.
Truth be known, I kind of don't want her to leave. In every job, there should be that one person who is sort of a slacker (last time I checked, was not a valid place to conduct hours of legal research) so that you can pretty much do the bare minimum and look like a rock star, comparatively. It's not like I have gained a tenable advantage from this situation, mind you, or tried to make said co-worker look like crap (unlike others in office), but I still can't help feeling that sad that the "office joke" is leaving. OJ (ha!) has dropped "hints" about what her goodbye gift should be... Hmm... and you would be deserving (and it would be appropriate) to give you the new iPhone, why?! (No, not joking...)
What is appropriate? A card, a nice lunch (J pays, of course), a cake at 4pm, no? And, heartfelt wishes for good luck, right?
Or, am I being too harsh?